How to fill out the application form?

How to fill out the application form?
Once you have created your Elvium account, you are ready to fill out the application form for the position you want to apply for.

First step: Attach CV and application
The first step in your application is to attach documents. Here you will be asked to attach your CV and your application for the position. You can upload the documents in either PDF, Word and OpenOffice. However, we recommend uploading the document in PDF. You have the option of uploading documents from your computer by clicking browse. In addition, you can also upload directly from Google Drive or Dropbox. Each document can have a maximum size of 4Mb.

For some applications it will be possible to add a video. Most often, it will be specified in the job posting if the video element is to be included in your application. You can record a video directly in Elvium or you can upload a video file from your local device.

Additional documents
You will sometimes be asked to upload documents other than CV and application, or you may have other documents that you think are relevant in your application for the position in question. These must be uploaded under "Multiple files". You can upload a maximum of 3 documents. Each document must also not exceed 4Mb.

If you want to add more files, click 'Add file'. You again have the option to upload from your computer, Google Drive or Dropbox.

To remove a file again, simply click on the cross next to the file.

Second step: Complete education and work experience
The next part is to complete education and work experience. Education level refers to your highest completed education. Experience refers to how many years of relevant experience you have in relation to the position in question.

Answer questions
Next, you may be asked to answer some questions that are defined for the position. There are 4 types of questions as seen below. The first is a Yes / No question, the next is a single answer question where you can enter one answer to the question based on the options in the drop-down menu. The next is a multiple answer question, where you can choose multiple pre-defined answers by holding down Ctrl or Command on your keyboard while clicking. The last is a free text question where you can answer the question with up to 140 characters.

Third step: Hard skills and soft skills
The next step of filling out your application is deciphering which hard skills and soft skills you encompass.

Hard skills cover your proven skills. By clicking on the different buttons, you indicate which competencies you hold. It is important that you only list competencies that you can vouch for.

With soft skills you have the opportunity to give the recruiter an impression of who you are. You set your soft skills in the same way as hard skills, by clicking on the qualities you think best describe you. However, you the maximum number of soft skills to choose is five, whereas hard skills have no limit. 

Finally, confirm that the information you provided is correct.

You are now ready to submit your application.

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